A Guide to Potential Benefits
There are a number of benefits that may be available to the parent / carer of those with Williams Syndrome, as well as those with Williams Syndrome themselves.
Here is a summary of the benefits to consider with some links and tips to help families when considering applying and completing the forms.
Our biggest tips are:
- Evidence, evidence, evidence… send in review letters from all professionals involved with your child (or appointment letters if you have no review letters); the most recent educational / developmental assessments; an account from a nursery worker / teacher / SENCO / care worker; your written diary highlighting the challenges you have faced; your child’s EHCP; literally everything you have in your possession which supports your claim.
- Take your time… we are all so used to doing so many things for our children that we wouldn’t do for a neurotypical child that you will forget some of them – allow time to add on the extra things that you will only remember as you do them, like cutting nails.
- Take a copy… Photocopy your form before you send it in so that you have all the information at hand should you need to appeal. Looking back on old forms is also a great staring point for renewal forms.
Record your calls… For those undertaking PIP telephone interviews – record the assessment call, then request the assessor’s written report from the DWP so that you can check that the report reflects what was said and all key points are included. If it doesn’t let them know before they make a decision based on an inaccurate report.