Hi, my name is Katy and I have Williams Syndrome.

I work as a volunteer at The Groundlings Theatre in Portsmouth. It is a good job and I enjoy what I do there although sometimes I work too hard!

My working life started after finishing Eastleigh College. I didn’t know what the future held for me but I never thought that I would get to where I am now. I was 20 and moving to Minehead in Somerset, to attend Foxes Academy.

The first day I was at Foxes Academy I remember that I didn’t want to let go of mum’s car and I was scared of what was going to happen. Everything was new to me, as it was to the friends I eventually made there.  I was going to be living there for three years with others with different disabilities. I learned how to cook and clean. We could go out into the community and make new friends. We had meetings every so often to sort out anything that was bothering us.

At the hotel I learned how to cook and clean and got an NVQ in waitressing. Also I learned how to independent living skills like writing CVs and work experience. After three years after I was ready to leave Foxes and go into the world. Although I was worried I never gave up.  My mum and the rest of the family and friends I had helped me move into my first flat.  Now I am living on my own and it has been quite surprising to me and my family and my friends how far I have got!

If you suspect your child may have Williams Syndrome, please refer to our diagnosis page which will tell you how to get a diagnosis and also some of the clues to Williams Syndrome.

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